
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Body of Missing Man Matt Stoner Found on Riverbank

Matt Stoner below went missing from a Pennsylvania pub in early February -- his body was found this week on the banks of the Susquehanna River.

Stoner, 33, was celebrating Mardi Gras with his girlfriend and a few friends in downtown Williamsport PA when he went outside for some fresh air and bouncers refused to let him back in again.

Missing 33yo Matt Stoner found drowned in Susquehanna River
He reportedly then decided to walk back to his home some ten minutes from the bar, but went missing instead ... until Thursday morning when a fisherman spotted the body of an adult male washed up on the riverbank.

The gruesome discovery doesn't come as a surprise to police though -- they had instantly theorized that  Matt Stoner vanished without a trace on February 7th because "grainy" surveillance video showed him "falling off" the Market Street Bridge that night.

Divers and cadaver dogs were employed to search beneath the overpass and at least one K9 indicated there might be human remains in the water, but none were found during any of those recovery operations.

An autopsy and investigation is currently underway to determine precisely how Stoner died. In the meantime, anyone with information about his disappearance and apparent drowning should contact the Williamsport Bureau of Police at (570) 433-3166.


  1. The Williamsport Bureau of Police are reporting via Facebook that the "approximate location where the body was found [] is about 74 miles from the Market Street Bridge in Williamsport."

    For the record -- yes -- 74 miles downstream is an incredible distance for Stoner's body to have traveled. The WBP also provided the following info: "The Williamsport Bureau of Police are confirming that rescue personnel in Middle Paxton Township of the Harrisburg area recovered the body of missing person Matthew Stoner from the Susquehanna River. Rescue personnel were notified at approximately 10:01 am after a fisherman observed what appeared to be a body in the water. Stoner has been missing since 02/07/2016. Our condolences to the Stoner family."


  2. This is all becoming so insulting to the average I.q...Year after Year after Year after Year...same scenario,no foul play. So insulting!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I do know there is a higher power here on earth and God holds all power and no evil can beat or touch his power.I had a insight yesterday night on Matthew West the nice and good gospel white singer,writer and artist.I pray that God protect him from the evul of the darkside when he go on tour in Pa. and other places because even some american hate christian and are down with the enemy the devil.We must all pray the rosary and keep strong faith and not give up when we fall,but take a deep breath and.get back up to fight and keep on fighting for your Love ones that was killed and their blood taken from their body and remember the devil is a liar,because the young men did not all drown some was placed in the water weak and drain of must of their blood.I had ask God if I could call on Patrick James McNeil soul and his spirit cane,and told me that he got sick from something in his drink from the bar and went in the restroom and threw up and felt sick to the stomach so he headed on out the bar the best he could with out no one to care for him and give their help or call police.Patrick spirit said he was taken to a house in New York and fought his captures and so they had to pin him down and torture him and it made me feel so sad for him.The last things his spirit said that he was tired, but he fought to the end and he was put on the floor in a dark room where they keep their garbage and Patrick had a little life in him and my insight let me see what Patrick soul had to show me a flash of him being dump in the river,I could see bubbles and his dark brown color wet hair and Patrick came up twice for air and had try to swim and then went under the water ,and for the record Patrick put up a dam good fight before he went up to Heaven,and may his soul rest in God peace. �� ����GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN & WE MISS & LOVE YOU PATRICK ������xoxoxoxoxoxoxo����������

  3. I agree. Do they think we are too stupid to make the connection between this and other, similar cases?

    Also note this article from 2014. A 17-year-old boy goes missing on a river in Pennsylvania, and the search team's leader is named Matt Stoner! Same guy, or just an eerie coincidence?

  4. I know for sure Christ is not dead and our body will go back to dust and the soul is part of us that live on and people can talk to their dead love one's soul if God have it so,and the nice ICU nurse Paul was killed and why do this evil sick shit for what some blood,but you get no power and I also see and talk to demons and their master the devil have all power over his servants and sex slaves and Paul soul went to Heaven with God angels.
