
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Missing Airman Keifer Huhman Presumed Drowned

Air Force officials say missing 21-year-old airman Keifer Huhman (below) drowned in the Dover Delaware canal system last month, although his body has yet to be found.

Huhman has been gone without a trace since February 7th, when he reportedly phoned friends to cancel previous plans to attend their Super Bowl party.

His truck was towed from the northbound side of the Route-1 bridge spanning the C&D Canal several days later, according to police reports.

missing airman Kiefer Huhman presumed drownedInvestigators also discovered overturned furniture in Huhman's apartment, but haven't said if the disarray found there is connected to his disappearance.

He was expecting to transfer soon to the Okinawa air base in Japan where his father, Chief Master Sergeant Kenneth Huhman, was  stationed.

It was an appointment Keifer Huhman was evidently looking forward to, but this week three officers of the Dover Air Force Base notified the missing young man's mother in person that her son is now "considered deceased."

They further promised "in writing" to assist the coroner in promptly issuing a death certificate stating he died when he "fell off the bridge" so the family can finally obtain "closure," she told reporters yesterday.

"We are continuing to ask everyone located within the C&D canal area to keep a lookout in and around the water," a relative also posted on Facebook. "Due to the waterway’s temperatures and extremely dangerous conditions, Keifer may not be found until the water warms up."

However, a spokesman for the Dover Police Department has emphasized that their own probe into Keifer Huhman's unsolved disappearance remains open and active.

"It's still being investigated as a missing persons case at this time," he said.

Anyone who knows what happened to Senior Airman Huhman over a month ago, or knowledge of his current whereabouts, is urged to contact the DPD at (302) 736-7130.


  1. This makes no sense. He was last seen on February 7th at 630 pm leaving apt. At 645pm he posted to f/b "love to all. He didn't show up for work the next morning so the Sargent went to Airmens apt. So was the Sargent the one that found door unlocked and furniture upturned? If the state police was involved why wasn't the Airmans pic posted under gold alert? There has really been no coverage other than what the family has posted on the missing Airmens F/b pages. No official word from law enforcement. And now one month later the family reports that the police and AF Officials based on the evidence they have feel that Keifer Huhman is dead because he fell over the bridge where his truck was found
    Something doesn't sound right. How do you declare someone dead and proceed for death certificate when the airmen has only been missing for a month? They have not discovered his body..... Am I missing something? I would also like to hear the recording of online gamer who recorded Airmens rant in an online chat room the early morning hrs the day he disappeared. No disrespect to the family but these questions linger. I truly hope they find him or a real journalist investigates this mystery........

  2. I agree with the comment above.. Not much of this makes sense. It seems every case i read, whether the victim is found or not, is immediately concluded as no foul play suspected. Very bothersome.
