
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Police circle back in the search for Adrian Lynch

After scaling back the hunt for Adrian Lynch, missing in Jersey UK since early December, police say they'll revisit the properties they searched before...

Adrian Lynch is still missing from Jersey UK

Investigators have previously stated that "in all probability Adrian is dead" and continued to caution that their renewed efforts this week are "not only for Adrian, but also for any of his possessions."

They have come to believe the missing 20-year-old electrician had his passport and driver's license on him when he vanished in thin air well over a month ago, despite abandoning his wallet and other personal effects.

Adrian Lynch was last seen alive leaving a Christmas party in a cab. His cellphone, billfold and belt were subsequently discovered in the neighborhood of Carrefour Selous where the taxi driver dropped him off.

Using surveillance video and eyewitness testimony, Jersey police have further refined the timeline of events that led up to Lynch's December 5th disappearance. These are as follows:

1. At midnight Adrian Lynch exited a taxi at the intersection of Ruette D'Avranches and La Rue;

2. Around the same time, and in an area just south of Carrefour Selous, he spoke with a motorist;

3. Roughly a half hour later, two other separate individuals believe they spotted him passing by on foot;

4. By 1:00 a.m., someone near Rue de la Golarde believes they saw Lynch too, and a homeowner in that same area also confirmed seeing a young man of his description, minutes after;

5. Lynch then appears to have journeyed onto La Rue du Douet, where he may have begun knocking on doors;

6. Between 1:30 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. he allegedly walked by the Bon Air riding stables, and, soon thereafter, was seen by a homeowner at Clos de Devant.

After this last sighting, however, Adrian 'Ady' Lynch completely fell off the radar. He is now "presumed dead."

Anyone who knows what happened to him should contact authorities at 612612, or CrimeStoppers at 0800555111.

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