A Utah jury has just declared Dr. Martin MacNeill guilty of drugging and drowning his wife six years ago, as well as obstructing justice.
Jurists unanimously decided that MacNeill had indeed planned and committed the killing of his 50-year-old spouse, simply so he could take up full time with a much younger mistress.

Michele MacNeill was soon thereafter found drowned to death in a bathtub at the MacNeill residence. Her daughter, Ada, who was 6 at the time, found her dead in the tub after returning from school that day.
The traumatized girl had told investigators that the bathwater "was brown" and her mother fully clothed in it.
Initially medical examiners, finding excessive amounts of more than one painkiller in Michele MacNeill's system, deemed her drowning an accident.
But when widower MacNeill swiftly moved a longtime lover into his home only nine days later -- giving the woman a marriage proposal and a costly engagement ring as well -- it rightfully aroused suspicions.
The doctor's paramour, who goes by the name of Gypsy Willis, was purportedly "hired as a nanny" for Ada MacNeill, although family and neighbors observed that, apart from making a spaghetti dinner for the child once, the woman spent most of her time there in the doctor's bedroom.
Dr. Martin MacNeill is, of course, not the only murderous medicine man ever to have harbored evil in his heart and malice aforethought for an unsuspecting mate.
In July 2013 neouroscientist Dr. Robert Ferrante was arrested for poisoning his wife with cyanide because he feared she was about to divorce him.
Eponymous Rox, reporting for Killing Killers from an undisclosed bunker somewhere in the Northland.
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